Learn Spatial SQL

40+ Spatial SQL Resources and Guides

One of the top questions I get asked is what my favorite resources are for learning any given topic, and spatial SQL is always near the top of that list It’s no secret that I am a big fan of spatial SQL (see my past posts on the topic). It’s speed, scale, and ability to […]

Learn Spatial SQL

Join all the things in spatial SQL

In this post, we will take a look at joining data in SQL. We will take a quick look at joining data in SQL generally, and then how to perform spatial joins using spatial relationships. Let’s take a look at the answers to the challenges from the previous post If you are following along, in […]

Tapping into the power of spatial SQL aggregations

Use aggregations in SQL to group your data and perform large scale spatial joins Picking up where we left off from our last tutorial, we will jump right into the next set of topics: Using the WHERE clause to do more advanced filtering of your data Aggregations by grouping your data, filtering aggregated data using […]

The case for using spatial SQL

Why spatial SQL matters and how it can help you accelerate your GIS and geospatial workflows Originally published on Towards Data Science in June 2021 It was the spring of 2012 and I just had my first encounter with a SQL query. I had just moved to New York at the end of 2011 and […]

What do you get from sharing your location data?

You are sharing your location all the time. What do you get in return for the data you share? Knowingly or not, you are sharing your location. Your mobile device sends out your current location, multiple times a day, to companies that collect that information from apps on your phone. You may not have thought twice […]