Geospatial needs to be defined

Definition of geospatial

If you know, you know. That is a very short way of saying that “geospatial” lacks definition. In the past few years, and more so recently, I have seen more and more people who state that they work “in geospatial”…

Join all the things in spatial SQL

Learn Spatial SQL

In this post, we will take a look at joining data in SQL. We will take a quick look at joining data in SQL generally, and then how to perform spatial joins using spatial relationships. Let’s take a look at…

The case for using spatial SQL

Why spatial SQL matters and how it can help you accelerate your GIS and geospatial workflows Originally published on Towards Data Science in June 2021 It was the spring of 2012 and I just had my first encounter with a…

A Brief History of Web Maps

Or how a Flemish cartographer and PNGs made web maps a part of our everyday lives Originally published on Towards Data Science in May 2020 When was the last time you were lost? Really think about it. Unless you didn’t have…