Why spatial thinking still matters (or why I got it wrong 😟)

In a recent post (see below), I emphasized Python, SQL, and Cloud as core skills for GIS professionals today. Yes I still think these are critical skills but there is one thing I would fix about how I positioned that. ​​ Full post here ​However, some pointed out that I seemed to overlook the fundamentals: […]


🛰️ Introducing “Signals from the Surface” & Valencia Flooding

A few months ago I got a message from the person I will shortly introduce on LinkedIn. The idea was simple (and one that I had been interested in working on) – partner up to share more resources to the geospatial community on the overlap between geospatial and earth observation. Now for me EO is […]

🚫 Hype vs. reality: The big data debate in geospatial

Was big data in GIS ever a thing? When we talk about big data in geospatial and GIS, it tends to open up quite the debate. On one hand, you have the promise of detailed insights and the ability to understand our world in ways we’ve never imagined. On the other, there’s the stark reality […]


😢 The hard truth about learning GIS and programming (and how I did it)

Here are the two questions I get asked most often by people online or at events: Here’s the unfiltered and direct answer to the second question: it took almost a decade, and I’m still learning. Today, I want to give you a transparent look into my journey—from my first attempts at learning to program to […]