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Welcome to modern GIS
Take a look at my top posts and videos to help you get started on your modern GIS journey.
Modern GIS Courses
Learn Modern GIS with engaging courses
From languages and libraries to infrastructure and implementation, modern GIS has many moving pieces. Learn the tools while earning certifications.
Spatial Lab
Expand your skills in a spatial community
Spatial Lab is a membership community to help master the latest geospatial technologies, tools, and techniques, bridging the gap left by traditional education.
Spatial SQL Book
Learn Spatial SQL
Learn everything you need to know about spatial SQL with my 500+ page book focused on spatial SQL for analytics

Geospatial Landscape
The most comprehensive list of geospatial companies
Access information about over 1,600 companies with 15+ data points across 50 industry segments in geospatial

The only data platform dedicated to spatial
Wherobots is the spatial intelligence cloud platform that allows you to analyze raster and vector data in one single experience with Python and Spatial SQL, at any scale of data.
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